I'm proud of myself for: The plank. I think it's my new favorite and I'm going to enjoy monitoring my progress on it. I can only do 20 seconds, but given that I can feel like it's really working me in a lot of places, I'm happy I can do that. I'm also oddly proud of the Bird Dog. I can REALLY feel that one in my back, but today's workout felt better than Tuesday's, so I am pleased with that.
I think my core is really developing nicely. Also, because I had to try, I think push ups eventually won't kick my ass. I can't really do a full one just yet, but there's not nearly as much weakness in my arms and wrists as there was when they were actually part of the workout.
My mom asked me today how many of my workouts I've skipped and was very shocked when I said none, so I'm going to go ahead and say that I'm proud of my commitment to this. As you know, sticking to any kind of workout is tough, and I didn't opt to go easy on myself or even ease into it. I do SOMETHING six days a week. That's one hell of a commitment.
But, it's not really that big a deal because I get a tremendous amount of satisfaction when I make progress. I can see little muscles in my arms, I can feel them in my back. I don't think we realize just how many muscles we really use, and when you have an injury like I do with my back, it's a REALLY rude awakening. My back is ALWAYS going to be an issue for me. I'm always one wrong twist away from popping something out of place. But with these core strengthening workouts and the other stuff, I'm protecting myself just a little bit more each time. Not wanting to end up in the ER is an excellent motivator.
Since I've been rambling for a while now anyway... I also like feeling like I'm getting to be a better version of myself. I made loads of excuses for not doing it before, but at some point, you just have to be honest with yourself and take action. Is it a big deal that I'm heavy? No, not really. It doesn't change WHO I am. However, for some of the stuff I want to do with my life, it'll be easier if I'm in better shape. I spend a lot of time trying to do good things for the people in my life, but one of the best things I can do for everyone, especially myself, is to get in shape and be healthier.
Also, I WANT TO BE SMOKING FUCKING HOT. I want everyone, male and female, gay or straight, to watch me walk away from them, and be like, "Damn, I would hit that." If I'm honest, that's what really got me started down this path. (See above about connecting with my kin in SL,UT.)
All in all, we're doing a good thing here. Even MY MOTHER said I look good.
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